What You Need to Know About Pancreatic Cancer
Topics covered in this episode include why pancreatic is so difficult to diagnose, genetic predisposition, treatment opportunities, clinical trials for pancreatic cancer and more.
What is Precision Oncology, and Why Do I Need It?
On this episode of Cancer Informant you will learn about precision oncology, and how it might be important in your cancer journey.
Breast Cancer Part 2: What You Need to Know
On this episode of Cancer Informant, we discuss breast cancer risk, diagnosis, treatment, and more. This is part 2 of 2 episodes dedicated to breast cancer.
The Importance of a Second Opinion
In this episode, Dr. Magliocco explains why a second opinion on your diagnosis is critical to the management of your cancer.
Who Decides That You Have Cancer?
What happens when a patient first learns that they have cancer? We go over how a diagnosis is made, what happens to a patient's tissue specimens, and what role the pathologist plays in the diagnosis.